My Timeline

  1. 12

    Started programming

  2. 13

    Made my first browser in C# for Windows

  3. 14

    Used LAMP tech stack extensively to build full stack apps

  4. 15

    Had a YouTube channel to teach programming

  5. 16

    Made an Android app called Seeinks to stream videos from links (couldn't afford netflix back then)

  6. 17

    Got sick, got panic disorder and DPDR disorder

  7. 18

    Prepared for IIT JEE

  8. 19

    Still having panic attacks and DPDR

  9. 20

    Learned data analysis from DataCamp

  10. 20

    Started learning backend development from John Smilga videos

  11. 21

    Made projects like a drone perimeter inspection system and Mood (an AI journal)

  12. 22

    Made an app called UltraDiet - an AI diet planner